Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Kim Sung Hwan "We will invite North Korea to Seoul Nuclear Security Summit if they keep the promise"

In january 5th, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Kim Sung Hwan said "If north korea follows the promise with international society about nuclear problem in 2012 Seoul Nuclear Security Summit, we might invite Kim Jong Un, Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army and Chairman of the Central Military Commission."

Mr. Kim answered the question at the regular briefing, whether he will invite Kim Jong Un to Seoul Nuclear Security Summit in march. He said "In last year, president Lee Myung-bak said that North Korea must follow the promise about nuclear problem made with international society if want to be invited in Seoul Nuclear Security Summit". Also he said "If North korea keeps the promise, we will invite them".

When asked whether he would recognize Kim Jong Un as a partner in South-North Korea negotation, he stated that he would meet with anyone who holds aporpriate position.

Then he added that Kim Jong Un's official positions are Supreme Commander of the Korean People's Army and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, and said "we wil have to see how much power he can wield on areas other than miliatary with those two positions."

Mr. Kim's speech can be interpreted that we can acknowledge North Korea as a partner for South-North negotiation if Kim Jong Un is officially confirmed as the leader of North Korea.

When an Interviewer asked Mr. Kim "why do you think China treat North Korea carefully after Kim Jong Il's death?", he said that "North Korea's succession system has been almost established, but the North has not clearly announced which policy they will adopt" and "I think China is waiting for North Korea's stance announcement".

About the 3rd US-North Korea Summit, he spoke that "it depends on how North Korea will decide on the problem".

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